AVI - Auto Praga
AVI - DSC Oisjek
AVI - Beyschlag Wien


AV International GmbH, Vienna / AV Holding International GmbH, Augsburg

The AVI GmbH covers the international business of AVAG Holding SE as an intermediate holding company. AVI is represented in Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary with 22 majority shareholdings covering a total of 55 locations. The main focus of activity is on the Austrian market with 44 locations. At the six Croatian locations, we market the Citroën brands in addition to the core Opel brand. At the three Slovenian sites, Peugeot is added to the two brands. There is also one location in Hungary.

The brand portfolio of AV Holding International includes other manufacturers in addition to the main Opel brand. In Austria, AVAG sells, among others, the Toyota/Lexus, Mercedes, Ford, Seat, Suzuki, Mazda, Kia, Citroën and Fiat/Alfa brands. In Hungary, it also sells the Suzuki brand, in Slovenia the Citroën and Peugeot brands and in Croatia, Citroën and Fiat/Alfa Romeo.

Regional managers also support the managing directors in this intermediate holding company.